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Frequently Asked Questions about Investing
Our 10 frequently asked questions about investing cover some of the core investment fundamentals, helping you improve your knowledge and build confidence when making investment decisions.
UK Staff Cost Calculations
As a small business owner it is vital to understand the full UK staff cost calculations when recruiting a new employee.
Employer National Insurance from April 2025
From April 2025 there are significant changes to the rates that UK companies pay employer’s national insurance, potentially increasing staff costs substantially.
Income from Savings and Side Hustles – When to Submit a Tax Return
Do you need to complete a self assessment tax return for savings income and income from a side hustle?
UK £1,000 Trading Allowance
Individuals have an annual £1,000 trading allowance which lets you earn up to £1,000 from casual work tax-free.
Structuring your Money Tax Efficiently
Structuring your money tax efficiently will help you achieve your long term financial objectives
Navigating Parenthood, Children and Money
This article provides a monetary guide for new parents in the UK, covering statutory maternity pay, leave, and maternity allowance. It covers topics such as child benefits, free childcare, tax-free childcare, and strategies for early savings for children like Junior ISAs and child pensions.
How the Time Value of Money can help you make better Financial Decisions
The time value of money is an important financial concept when investing. Essentially £1 in your hand today is worth more than £1 in the future.
Smart Saving with Building Societies
Competitive interest rates from building societies for instant access, one year fixed deposits and regular contribution savings accounts in the UK