Investing in Environmental, Social and Governance

ESG – Investing

ESG and BCorp investing

What is ESG and BCorp investing? Investing in environmental, social and governance or ESG investing, is an approach that considers a company’s ESG credentials. ESG investing is where individuals invest in companies committed to operating sustainably and responsibly.

Why you should consider ESG investments

ESG companies are often in a better position to manage long-term risks. They are more attractive to customers and employees, and they are helping create a better future. By investing in environmental, social and governance companies you are supporting the transition to a more sustainable and greener future. You can invest in ESG by buying products from ESG companies, investing in their shares or by working for them.

ESG practices

ESG companies are taking steps to address environmental and social challenges, such as climate change and social equality. They typically invest in new technologies and ESG practices to reduce their environmental impact. This improves the lives of their employees, stakeholders, and communities.

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Climate change

One of the most pressing challenges facing us today. Investing in ESG can help combat climate change in numerous ways.

How to assess a company’s climate change credentials

To understand how environmentally friendly a company is, you should check several factors. Firstly, are they investing in new technologies to reduce their carbon footprint, such as renewable and clean energy? Look at how the company manages its use and consumption of resources and waste products. Are they taking steps to improve and reduce this? Is the company actively investing in sustainable agriculture and forestry practices? These all help to reduce environmental impact and protect the planet’s biodiversity.

Unfortunately, this information isn’t always easy to find. However, large companies in the UK must report on their ESG activities in their annual financial reports. These are available on the Companies House website.

B Corp or certified B corporation

In the UK companies can apply to become a B Corp or certified B corporation. Companies are verified by B Lab as companies meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. Investing in B Corp companies provides a level of assurance that you are investing in companies with ESG principles at the heart of their operation.

Greenwashingwhat investors need to know

Greenwashing is when companies mislead the public about their environmental and social practices. Companies are scored on lots of different factors and need to meet a certain standard to be considered an ESG company. Some companies are great at using and implementing new green technologies but may treat their workforce poorly. That’s why it is important to gather as much information as possible about a company to assess its overall ESG performance. Look for third-party verification of the company’s ESG credentials, read the company’s ESG report and be sceptical of ESG marketing claims.

ESG investment funds

If you want to invest in a range of ESG companies without picking individual shares, there are plenty of ESG investment funds and ETFs available. They bundle shares of various ESG-focused companies, providing a diversified portfolio in one investment.

Investing in ESG funds is a great way to align your values with your investments and support the transition to a more sustainable future. You can do your bit to help combat climate change and create a better future for all!

Want to learn more about investing?

Have a read of our investment article, which goes into more detail about investing in the stock market. You’ll find the investment basics you need to get started.

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